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sábado, 6 de octubre de 2007

Very Funny Video Clips ☺ HILARIOUS VIDEOS ☻ The Funniest

Very Funny Video Clips ☺ HILARIOUS VIDEOS ☻ The Funniest

Funny animal clip

Funny animal clip

Pets and Animals Compilation Bloopers

Pets and Animals Compilation Bloopers

drole funny gag cats animals free way bloopers blooper

drole funny gag cats animals free way bloopers blooper

Funny Dogs & Pups - Animales divertidos y cachorros

Hilarious Animal Bloopers

Hilarious Animal Bloopers

GAtos bloopers

Cat bloopers

funny pets

funny pets

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2007

Manta Rays - Cocos Island

Manta Rays - Cocos Island

The beautiful underwater ballet of the huge Manta Rays and a few (very) lucky divers. Filmed at Cocos Island, legendary archipelago off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica.

Fiji - Coral Nirvana...Impresionante video de las Islas Fidji

Fiji - Coral Nirvana

The wonderful coral reefs in Fiji in all their glory. Dazzling colors and rich textures. Paradise for soft coral AND hard coral, for hundreds of species of tropical fish and for scuba divers. Check the fantastic color and richness of the coral reefs of Bight Water, strait between Fiji's two main islands, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu. The dive sites have evocative names such as Purple Haze, Magic Kingdom and Poseidon's Rhapsody. You will want to get in the water, I promise!

Nuts For Nuts

Nuts For Nuts

Squirrely nut-munching madness

Elephants on Seregeti Plain...increíble...

Elephants on Seregeti Plain

You're surrounded...buenísimo!!!

You're surrounded

Zerbras at watering hole #2, Tanzania

Zerbras at watering hole #2, Tanzania

Pride of lions, serengeti...Leones de Serengeti Africa

Pride of lions, serengeti

Help the Cheetah - Ayudando al Cheetah

Help the Cheetah

Find out easy things you can do to help the cheetah survive in the wild and exist in harmony when in captivity.

Help Lemurs...Precisas ayuda?

Help Lemurs

Find out easy things you can do to help lemurs survive in the wild and exist in harmony when in captivity.

Survival of the Fittest...Sobreviviendo!!!

Survival of the Fittest

Learn what it takes to survive in the wild and how you can help animals thrive.

Penguin Projectile Poo...estos muchachos son increíbles

Penguin Projectile Poo

One penguin assailing another with bodily fluids. Would have been really hilarious if the afflicted penguin would have ran and dived in the water. He sure looked like he was going to but then just stopped at the edge. They must be used to this sort of thing.

Wildebeest migration #2, Serengeti, Tanzania

Wildebeest migration #2, Serengeti, Tanzania

Psychic Sea Lion ...un león marino síquico??

Psychic Sea Lion

258 views since 11-08-2006

Learn about sea lions and the challenges they face in the wild with this psychic hotline parody. This short is part fact and part fantasy, and all fun.

Animals, wildlife, ocean, marine, mammals, sea, lyon, humor, funny, animal, video, family, educational, documentary, nature

Amblypigids: Tailless Whip Scorpions

Amblypigids: Tailless Whip Scorpions

Ecogeeks Rob and Suzanne explore the jungles in Panama in search for the infamous Tailess Scorpian. What does Harry Potter, Fear Factor and Ecogeeks have in common? Contact with the Amblypigid. See what they know about these creatures and how you too can find them.

Squirrel Sobbing...Buenísimo hay que verlo....

Squirrel Sobbing

Jersey Girl is one of our backyard pets ... she's usually a cheerful and spunky diva who chases dogs and teases cats. But one afternoon she decided to have a pity party and sobbed her heart out ... it was shortly after she gave birth, so I guess squirrels can suffer from post-partum depression too. The good news is that she cheered up after a half-pound of almonds and walnuts ... and Jersey and her two babies are just fine.

Llama's and Emus...lindo y divertido...

Llama's and Emus

Pileated Woodpecker...El pájaro loco trabajando....te acordas?

Pileated Woodpecker

Woodpecker at work

Buttercup the Squirrel

Buttercup the Squirrel

361 views since 01-05-2007

Pet squirrel Buttercup loves pecans ... they are his favorite "cookies".

Oahu Tree Snails...sin palabras...

Oahu Tree Snails

Ever wanted to see a snail eat another snail? Ever wondered why animals on islands are going extinct? The Oahu Tree Snails on the islands of Hawaii have some big problems, one of which is the wolf snail. Check out this short clip to see whats going on.

martes, 2 de octubre de 2007



Encounter with a venomous cottonmouth water moccasin snake in Florida.

Australian Wildlife - Vida Salvaje de Australia

Australian Wildlife

Kangaroo, Snake, And Turtle from Australia

Lions drinking water after a kill - León tomando agua antes de matar!!!

Lions drinking water after a kill

Stuffed Lions from eating all day, lions drink water at a waterhole in Africa, notice the female staggering to the water being so heavy that she gently drops her belly on the ground and lay on the belly while drinking

Sri Lankan mountains - Montañas de Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan mountains

Views from a mountainside in Sri Lanka

What Goes In Comes Out....buenísimo!!!

What Goes In Comes Out

What Goes In Comes Out

Wanna Race...Maravilloso video de Jirafas

Wanna Race

Beautiful wildlife

Magellan Penguins of Patagonia - Pinguinos de la Patagonia Argentina

Magellan Penguins of Patagonia

We observed these Magellan Penguins (Spheniscus Magellanicus) during a visit to Argentina's Patagonia region.

groupofwaterbufallo - Grupo de Bufalos en el agua!!!


while i travelling i met a group of water bufallos

Aloha for the Arctic...Fenomenal video de un oso polar!!!

Aloha for the Arctic

Oil and Wildlife DON'T mix. Aloha aina, Hawaiian concept for take care of the land. All wealth flows from the planet. You can act to save this sacred wildlife refuge from oil interests in our government. When we permanently protect this land from exploitation we will have given our children a gift enhanced and not degraded in value. Post it to your myspace, tribe or facebook. pls click thru. Mahalo. So go-ahead, check-it out, clik thru! 888-894-5325

Keep the Arctic COOL!!!...very good!!!

Keep the Arctic COOL!!!

The Arctic is Kool! Natural beauty and beautiful wildlife footage. Actions you can take to help preserve this sacred place. Visit to inspire & preserve for our children. Post it to your myspace, tribe or facebook. pls click thru. Mahalo. So go-ahead, check-it out, clik thru!