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viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2007

Catching Giant Tuna Videos Sorprendentes de Animales

No man can hand-fish blue fin tuna alone, meet the men who capture the giant fish using what they call the "chamber of death".

The Crafty Catfish Kidnap Videos Sorprendentes de Animales

A mother cichlid fish protects her young by keeping them in her mouth. But a parasite has evolved a way to use her own defenses against her.

Fish Fight! Videos Sorprendentes de Animales

Male cichlids size each other up then smack each other down - all based on the size of their mouths!

Flamingos of Bogoria Videos Sorprendentes de Animales

Hungry baboons in Kenya's Lake Bogoria find themselves a million unsuspecting, and unprotected, flamingos.

Strange Japanese Sea Creatures Videos Sorprendentes de Animales

Exotic creatures lie at the bottom of Japan's Suruga Bay, including spider crabs, chimeras and lantern sharks.

Videos Sorprendentes de Animales Ataque de Oso - Bear Attack

A bear kills a hunter, leaving his friends to ponder his fate.

Videos Sorprendentes de Animales Tarantula Gigante - Giant Tarantula

The largest spider in the world is on the hunt. But is it as dangerous as it seems? It depends on who it's after. Find out why.

Videos Sorprendentes de Animales What In the World Is a Kinkajou?

One of the rainforest canopy's more surprising inhabitants is the furry and fearless kinkajou.

Videos Sorprendentes de Animales Tiburon vs Pulpo - Shark vs Octopus

Think you know the outcome when its shark versus octopus? Think again!

Videos Sorprendentes de Animales Gorilla vs. Gorilla

Two huge male gorillas square off in the wild in a test of dominance. Which will emerge victorious?

Anaconda vs. Mammal...Videos Sorprendentes de Animales

When you're an anaconda you don't need venom to take down your prey, even if its the world's largest rodent, a capybara, weighing somewhere in the neighboorhood of one hundred pounds!

Deadly Spider Bite! Videos Sorprendentes de Animales

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is a hunter of incredible power and once it targets its victim, the outcome is certain.

Gauchos - Videos Sorprendentes de Animales

The gaucho is more than just a cowboy. This Argentine way of life has existed for three centuries.

Videos Sorprendentes de Animales "Lawn Mower" Dinosaur Debuts

Lawn mower to the ferns of Africa, the 500-toothed Nigersaurus was unlike any other. A reconstruction goes on display today at National Geographic in Washington.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2007

Golden Retriever Puppies ( 5 weeks old) que rrope!!!

Windy the shy puppy..miralo!!!

Fennec to play each other

They become supine each other well and deepen friendship.

Gizmo Flushes

"NORA: Practice Makes Purr-fect" - Check the sequel too.

Cat Fight - Pelea de Gatos Impresionante

2 cats fighting with a Boxing track added to add to the fun


Internet Dog

Rabbit to dance安全兔子舞 Genial!!!

かぼちゃ団子 WoW!!!


柴犬 しばわんこ ひな 丸呑み shiba

Pug Determination....My pug puppy VS cat for treats

Funny Dancing Dog...Super Blooper Perrito Bailando!!!

Kitty in yoga mat, una pechochidad!!!

Cat Talking...Imaginaste gatitos hablando...o estoy crazy!!!

making biscuits? Haciendo bizcochitos ricos!!!


Bengal Cat Mischief - tin opener

Loki my new kitten

Pug Eating Cheez Curl...que lindo!!!

lucille eats corn on the cob..muy bueno, vale la pena verlo!!!

ぴー兄さんの巣作りごっこ toma, mira hablo chino también!!!

手のひらの上を巣に見立ててグイグイと壁を整える作業に余念がないぴー兄さん。ふわふ わのおしりがかわいくてたまらないマニア垂涎の動画(笑)

文鳥 桜文鳥 Java Sparrow Japanese ricebird ぴー兄さん