Aloha for the Arctic...Fenomenal video de un oso polar!!! : Videos Animales - Los videos sorprendentes del Zoo . Los videos más hot, los bloopers más
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martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

Aloha for the Arctic...Fenomenal video de un oso polar!!!

Aloha for the Arctic

Oil and Wildlife DON'T mix. Aloha aina, Hawaiian concept for take care of the land. All wealth flows from the planet. You can act to save this sacred wildlife refuge from oil interests in our government. When we permanently protect this land from exploitation we will have given our children a gift enhanced and not degraded in value. Post it to your myspace, tribe or facebook. pls click thru. Mahalo. So go-ahead, check-it out, clik thru! 888-894-5325

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